The Heat Networks Industry Council is carrying out a nationwide workforce skills survey.

35,000 jobs will be required to enable heat networks to supply around a fifth of the UK’s heat by 2050 and this survey aims to help us understand the current position of skills across the sector. This will enable us to plan effectively to achieve a suitably skilled workforce that can deliver new, low-carbon heat networks in towns and cities throughout the UK.


Who do we want to hear from?

This HeatNIC skills and workforce survey isn’t just for those directly involved in constructing heat networks, we want to hear from all organisations participating in the sector – even if this isn’t their main activity. This could include:

  • local authorities
  • housing providers
  • investment companies
  • owner/operators of campus-based systems such as universities and hospital sites.


Whether your organisation has just one or hundreds of people involved in any aspect of heat networks, we really want to hear from you.


Why are we doing this? 
It’s an exciting time for the heat networks sector as we move towards becoming a mainstream technology and supply a large proportion of this country’s heat. The growth required will generate significant career opportunities at all levels and by understanding the current position of skills across the sector, we will be able to plan effectively to achieve a suitably skilled workforce that can deliver new, low-carbon heat networks in towns and cities throughout the UK.


What’s changed since the last survey?
This work builds on a similar smaller survey that was carried out in 2022, but with key changes to the methodology and an expansion the pool of potential respondents to ensure that a greater proportion of the sector is represented.  The survey has been streamlined to make it very quick and easy to complete and at no point will any personal information be needed as the skills survey element is anonymous.


How to complete the survey
The survey, which is being carried out by a skills and workforce specialist NSAR, is open until the 24th of June 2024 and can be found here: 

Please download and save a copy of the survey form, which is best viewed in MS Excel workbook format. When you have completed it and applied password protection, please email the form to NSAR using this address:
Don’t forget to send your password in a separate message.

Should you wish to find out more on how to complete the form, please recap on the webinar in the survey Google drive here or check out the survey FAQs here.


Help and support

If you have any questions or need guidance on completing the survey, please email